Back to School,and back to learning new techniques, it is an exciting time of year for little humans, we would love to offer New Composter Kids an insentive to get started with our Recycled Composta at $92.50 Brand New.
It always amazes me what can be learnt from Setting up a Composta... Children can learn to obviously grow some yummy herbs,but also become a micro farmer and once those herbs have grown, *harvest them into little bunches and sell them to the neighbours..($5) *also the liquid runoff fertilizer/worm liquid can be bottled and sold to make some pocket money..($5-7) *worms can be collected from the centre and packaged up for sale...($10-20).. *Lets not forget cooking some yummy dishes,,,skys da limit.......i love this hands on approach.This will also teach children about cost of producing a product and upscaling the process..and there is some decent pocket money to be made... Happy Gardening :)